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A Study on The Anti-Qing Dynasty Consciousness in <LeeDaeBong...
来自 : test.ixueshu.com/h5/document/8 发布时间:2021-03-24
摘要:This paper is an analysis on The Anti-Qing Dynasty Consciousness revealed in . The Experience of Qing Dynasty\'s Invasion in 17th century was settled in our narrative literature through the process of fictionizing. This paper is a kind of trial seeking the location of Korean Hangeul novels in this flow. This paper analyzed The Anti-Qing Dynasty Consciousness revealed in in the aspect of the background and in the character. Through this, We could know that the real background of this novel is in Han-Dynasty, not Ming-Dynasty which is written in novel. The space has also been showed as an invasion route of the Xiongnu, and the Okmungan has been emphasized in the narrative between the Han and the Xiongnu. Especially, I could find out that is the representation of the historical facts of Han-Dynasty in the LeeDaeBong\'s narrative. The historical facts of early Han Dynasty are concentrated in the narrative of LeeDaebong, the male hero. And It contain many motifs of Han-wudi=E2=80=99s period. LeeDaebong\'s narrative has historical specificity, unlike the narrative of the JangAeWhang=E2=80=99s.It seems to be related to the fact that the humiliating defeat of the early Han-Dynasty was revenged in the period of Han-wudi\'s regime. These can be found in the battle narrative inside and can also be found in the appeal of SongSiYeol, who was in the society driving Northern Expedition. expressed the desire to dissolve The Anti-Qing Dynasty Consciousness in the narrative by making the relationship between Chosun and Qing Dynasty\'s Violent relationship with Han and the Xiongnu\'s. For These features, can be said to be a narrative resulted by the Justificative Chinese-Centrism and The Anti-Qing Dynasty Consciousness.=09

本文链接: http://daebong.immuno-online.com/view-682364.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)